Saturday, February 8, 2014


Hello everyone.  So obviously I have been inspired lately and on a bit of a blogging kick.  At least for me anyway.  By God's grace I have many more ideas but, I have found myself so wrapped up in blogging and Facebooking recently that I have neglected some much needed reading.  Consequently, I am going to try to take a week or so off from writing anything either by blog or FB in order to catch up on some reading both in the God's word and some other material.  I appreciate any and all who support my writing efforts and encourage me along the way.

Another piece of information I wanted to share is something you may have seen on FB recently cause I shared it there.  Logos bible software company offered a free tool that I was able to apply to my blog.  It is a tool that is applied by embedding the html of the tool into the html of the actual blog.  This tool causes any scripture reference that I type in to be highlighted in blue.  It also works retroactively, so it should be applied to every blog that I have written to date.  It is awesome because all you have to do is hover over the reference with your mouse and the body of scripture is shown in a box right there on the page.  You can even share that scripture to several social media platforms right from that box.

While I try not to allow length be a major factor in how I write, I am cognizant of the fact that people do pay attention to length and that multiple scripture quotes can really beef up the appearance of the body of the blog.  So I am hopeful that this will allow me to, more often than not, paraphrase a scriptural idea, and provide the scripture to see without the post appearing so long. We shall see.  You may have noticed that I have also been employing subheadings in the last little bit.  I have hoped that this makes the posts more organized and thus more easily read.  I don't know how it is working but it feels more organized to me so I am keeping it for now.

As always, I am open to feedback related to subject matter, blog presentation, etc.  I love to have dialogue about anything that I blog about so please feel free to FB me, email me, or comment on the blog itself if you have a Google account.

I pray all are well and will be back at it soon.

Thanks to all,


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